Professional Set

Professional Set

Regular price $899
$899 Sale price Regular price $
Regular price $899
$899 Sale price Regular price $

Combination of all five SMART Tools (STM1, STM2, STM3,STM4,STM5) in a canvas roll up case. This is a mix of double and single beveled edges, features a patent pending double sided, single beveled handlebar tool, new hand tool, and a new blade tool.

All tools are made of made of medical grade Stainless Steel.

This palm sized tool is designed for use on smaller areas of the body such as hands, feet, forearms, and calves. Its sloped design offers comfort for the practitioner, while maintaining versatility with its double beveled edge for management of smaller areas of the body.

Weight: 9 oz.

This blade-like tool is designed for use on smaller to medium sized areas of the body such as the back, forearms, neck, calves, and pectoral muscles. The convex side offers a broad treatment range, while the concave side with its double inlets allow for more specific use such as on calves, forearms, and neck. All sides have a double beveled edge for efficiency and comfort for the practitioner and patient alike.

Weight: 11.2 oz.

This large tool is designed for use on larger areas of the body, specifically the lower extremity. The handle bars provide comfort for the practitioner in any treatment situation. Due to the size and desired weight it reduces the effort needed by the practitioner and optimizes effectiveness for use on large areas of the body when compared to the smaller tools. 

Weight: 14.4 oz.

Much like its STM2 counter part, this tool is designed for use on smaller to medium sized areas of the body such as the back, forearms, neck, calves, and pectoral muscles. Its single beveled edge allows for greater sensitivity and feedback when scanning tissue, which some practitioners prefer. 

Weight: 11.2 oz.

The STM5 is the smallest tool we offer, but it is also the most versatile. It is specifically designed for use on the hands, forearms, and in some occasions, the gastrocs. It features a single beveled edge on one inlet and a double beveled edge on the other inlet, creating the most adaptable tool in the lineup.

Weight: 7 oz.


Perfect for anyone who wants to address
tension or injuries without excessive strain.

IASTM is especially beneficial if you’re
looking to:

Gently break up abnormal tissue,
helping restore into a healthier
functional muscle

Stimulate the nervous system,
boosting overall control and
responsiveness during recovery

Encourage the body’s healing
by reinitiating early-stage

Great fit to treat tissue extensibility dysfunctions (TEDS)

Smart Tools IASTM techniques focus on treating a range of tissue extensibility dysfunctions (TEDS) that limit mobility and cause pain, including:

  • Scarring and fibrosis
  • Fascial tension and densification
  • Neural tension
  • Muscle shortening
  • Neurologic restrictions
  • Trigger points

By targeting these key issues, IASTM helps restore proper tissue function, reduce discomfort, and improve overall movement—so you can get back to doing what you love with less strain.